Selection of references
- 2021-2024 : Noirot/Muller Intuitiv / GlenDimplex embedded firmware for home appliances – various products – shipped products – HMI implementation, sensors integration, network control – esp32, FreeRTOS, bluetooth, MQTT, wifi
- 2022-2023 : Noirot/Muller Intuitiv : embedded firmware for home appliances – shipped product- HMI implementation, appliances synchronization – nordic 5340, Zephyr, HMI, lvgl, ZigBee
- 2019-2020 : enero / Squikit : embedded firmware optimization for home appliances – prototype – memory, esp32, FreeRTOS, bluetooth, MQTT, wifi.
- 2018-2022 : enero / Kingfisher : design and development from the ground up of a custom mesh network for connected home appliances – shipped product – embedded, esp32, wifi, mesh, crypto, BLE, FreeRTOS.
- 2019 : Performance #1 : porting of an android app to iOS (native) – shipped product
- 2017 : design and development of a connected lamp (LOD) – shipped product – mesh synchronization, ESP8266, Arduino
- 2007-2012 : Charanga / Music Coach / web site : technology provider + programming : sound engines
- 2010-2012 : Incandescence / le Louvre / interactivity design consulting
- 2008-2009 : Incandescence / GDFSUEZ / web site : interactivity design + programming
- 2005-2009 : violet / Nabaz’tag / mir:ror / dal:dal / intelligent object : interactivity design
- 2008 arteTV / web site : interactivity programming
- 2008 : Virtools / MP : SDK documentation writer
- 2008 : arteRadio /web site : interactivity programming
- 2007-2008 : cloud9games / game : technology provider : sound analysis engine
- 2007 : Incandescence / pixies films / web site : interactivity design + programming
- 2006-2007 : surletoit + Leclerc / Les Ptits Reperes/ ludo-educational web site, various games : interactivity design
- 2006-2007 : Incandescence / Stella Cadente / web site : interactivity design + programming
- 2005-2007 : BBC / BBC Jam learning program / web site : technology provider + programming – custom Shockwave sound engines
- 2006 : Hyptique / Musée du Quai Branly : D’une Langue à L’autre / kiosk – interactive visual design and programming (Prix Multimédi’Art Interactif d’Argent AVICOMM Unesco 2006).
- 2005-2006 : numeriscausa / Musée du Quai Branly / kiosk : technology provider – custom interactive navigation
- 2002-2008 : TQB / le Ring / software : multichannel musical instrument, with Dominique Besson and Olivier Koechlin
- 2004 : SquidSoup : technology provider : custom VoIP Xtra
- 2003 : Et Alors / various CD-Roms : technology provider : interactive navigation
- 2003-2004 : violet / DAL interactive object / intelligent object – interactivity design
- 2003 : Hyptique / Pass / 2 museum kiosks : interactivity design
- 2002 : TQB + IRCAM / DIAPh-Maallem / interactive installation : technology provider : network, 3D, sound spatialization, vision tracking
- 2002 : Hyptique / infiniteCDs / generative music software : technology study and architecture
- 2002 : Metapole+CICV+Education Nationale+Yves Bouvier/ Ballet Electronique + Le Switch / software : artificial autonomous entities for education
- 2001 : Incandescence+ Adidas / myadidas / web site : interactivity design and programming of 2 games, for promotional site. Site of the Day at macromedia (September 2001).
- 1998-2001 : Virtools / Virtools 3D authoring software : various software architecture and API design, launch of the Virtools userGroup, supervision of SDK documentation, development of modules (Mac player, Javascript interpreter, Virtools Xtra for macromedia Director)
- 1999 : Le S.p.e.c.t.r.e. / various games : technology provider, design of new game prototypes, interactive video, AI, (Sarah28, Determinism)
- 1998 : Judith Cahen / Movie “La révolution sexuelle n’a pas eu lieu” : interactive deisgn of a computer character for the movie.
- 1997 : Chris Marker / Immemory One CD-Rom : technical assistance for the finalization and exhibition of the CD-Rom.
- 1996-1999 : Le S.p.e.c.t.r.e. / StoryTeller / Software : Authoring software for interactive scenario writing, with Pierre Laffargue.
- 1996 : Hyptique + GRRR + Un Drame Musical Instantané / Carton / CD-Xtra : technical director and interactivity design
- 1996 : Hyptique+R.M.N. / Cirque de Seurat / cultural CD-Rom : technical director and interactivity design
- 1996 : EEC + Varan / Dédale et Icare / digital imaging teaching program : technical consulting
- 1995 : Hyptique+Bayard Presse / Ca se transforme / ludo-educational CD-Rom : technical director and interactivity design
- 1995 : NeXT : official “Object Expert”, various missions in object oriented technologies
- 1995 Hyptique+La Bande Son+Canal+/interactive music magazine CD-Rom : technical consulting and assistance
- 1991 : Act-Multimedia / cartography, computer games : technology provider
1991 – 1994 : NeXT Computer Inc. (Paris and Silicon Valley – California)
- software design and engineering
- Design and development of the human-computer interface of ProjectBuilder 3.0.
- Design, architecture and implementation of a computer-mediated human interactions system (was to be Mail2.0)
- Participation to the OpenStep API and architecture specifications. Specification and writing of the NSNotificationQueue class (still existing in the Apple API)
1985 – 1990 : Act Informatique (Paris)
- software consultant, R&D
- Gastroscopy: Multimedia medical encyclopedia. Prototype.
- EEC Esprit Projet : Unix Multimedia Document Workbench. Working product.
- CD-Rom: geographical information system. Working product.
- Sollac: Industrial signal processing. Prototype.
- Cigale: Artistic interactive live video and music system. with Jacques Serrano.
- Neural networks: state-of-the-art and prototypes.
- Expert System in the building industry. Working product.
- Multimedia medical office for the year 2000. Prototype.
- software project manager (5 people, 2 years).
- Spock: Design and development of an AI expert system authoring application.
- Shipped product
Engineer degree: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) – Paris (1984)
Programming since 1977
1985: Minos, introduction to advanced programming in Logo. 60 pages – Éd. Act Informatique and Hatier; 33.000 copies sold